Looking to the future

Catholic Regional College's year 10 pathways industry workshop. (Supplied)

Students from Catholic Regional College got a glimpse into the future last week.

The school’s Caroline Springs campus held a year 10 pathways industry workshop on Thursday, with people from different industries coming to chat to students about their jobs.

Student pathways director Adam Ray said it had been eight or nine years since they’d had something like this.

He said there was a real sense of anticipation from the students and plenty of questions were asked.

“It’s good to get people from all different industries that are here and give the kids another voice,” he said.

“We thought it was a very valuable experience and we were able to get some contracts to come out and deliver a really good day.”

Pathways program coordinator Anneliese Mazniovski said they were guided by the students to which industries they were interested in.

A lawyer, engineer, physiotherapist, journalist, people from the local trade school, architect, nurse, psychologist and a lash academy business owner all spoke with the students.

“We had the kids fill out a form and they indicated what kind of pathways they were interested in,” Ms Mazniovski said.

“We kept it quite broad. Then we kind of did some pickings of the types of people that we were getting in but all of the people today are industries that the kids chose.

Ms Mazniovski said they would look at running more days like this in the future.

“I think it’s really important for kids to have a really strong expectation of what particular jobs entail and what industry standards are,” she said.

“I think some of them maybe had a bit of a reality shock but it’s in a good in a good way, a positive way that they can make decisions now that will help them get to where they want to be later on.”