Local gym helping women learn vital defence skills

Gym director Amanda Salbia with Donna Moore and Samantha McIntosh. (Damjan Janevski). 284671_02

By Olivia Condous

Women in the Bacchus Marsh community will have the chance to learn important self defence skills in support of a worthy cause.

Martial arts gym Phoenix Training Centre is hosting a workshop in order to offer local women the opportunity to learn self defence, with the funds raised going towards charity for prevention of domestic violence.

Gym director Amanda Saliba said she wanted to combine her passion for martial arts with being able to support the local community, while fighting back against domestic violence.

“I just wanted to make sure that anyone that is going through this horrible situation, they can know how to defend themselves and if anyone was to be caught up in a situation like that, they’ve got some skills,” Ms Saliba said.

“One or two women are killed every single week [in Australia] due to domestic violence, that’s just unacceptable.”

Ms Saliba said she wanted to help the workshop participants feel as “worthy” and “deserving”.

“Some basic skills could potentially change that deadly situation,” she said.

The workshop will run on Friday June 24 at the Maddingley gym, with 100 per cent of the $30 ticket price going towards charity.

Ray White Bacchus Marsh are partnering with Phoenix Training Centre to support the initiative.

“If we get enough people, we will run more sessions,” Ms Saliba said.

“We’ll do the best that we can to raise as much money as we can for this.”