Local club supporting farmers in need

By Olivia Condous

A local Melton club will help to support flood affected farmers in New South Wales by taking part in a huge hay run this week.

The Melton Rotary Club is running a hay run event in conjunction with Aussie Hay Runners, with support from the NSW Government Rural Assistance Authority.

From July 7 to 11, 31 trucks will convoy to Grafton in New South Wales to deliver hay and feed to struggling farmers who are recovering from flooding damage.

The local rotary club was involved in a similar effort two years ago, with a hay run that supported drought affected families in Dunedoo, New South Wales.

The NSW government has provided funding for transport subsidies for the carrier trucks, Melton Rotary Club has made a $2000 donation for supplies and the fodder to be transported has been donated from across the state.

Local groups in Lismore and Grafton will work with the hay run effort to distribute the donated goods to farmers.

Melton Rotary Club former president and local business owner Dickson Heaney is leading the efforts alongside Linda Widdup from Aussie Hay Runners.

Mr Dickson said the club was happy to be involved and help other people.

“The Rotary Club supports people that need a hand, that’s what we do.”