Lions Club spearhead heritage kiln restoration

Bacchus Marsh Lions Club president Bill Richards and and coordinator Russ Hendry. (Damjan Janevski) 324321_07

Liam McNally

Bacchus Marsh Lions Club have begun their restoration project of the town’s Heritage listed Chicory Kiln.

The Chicory Kiln in Taverner St, which served as a crucial element of the local industry in the early 1900s, was listed as a heritage site in 2016, following the hard work of the Bacchus Marsh Historical Society.

The Bacchus Marsh Lions Club will lead the project, which will be overseen by a Heritage Architect to ensure compliance with the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter.

Restoration works already completed include the replacement of missing building tie rods and a paint conservators assessment.

The assessment begins the process of restoring the faded “Dr Morse Indian Root Pills” sign.

Other critical works to be undertaken include the repair of all timber work on windows, chutes, and doorways, and the removal, rebuild, and replacement of the large vent on top of the structure.

Bacchus Marsh Lions are hopeful the restored Chicory Kiln will serve as a beacon of local history.

The public will have access to the kiln through open days, which will provide details on how the kiln operated and the uses of Chicory, and local educational facilities will also have access for history projects.

Bacchus Marsh Lions Club member and project coordinator Russ Hendry said the restoration of the Chicory Kiln represents a “significant milestone in the preservation of

local history, and the Bacchus Marsh Lions Club is proud to lead the charge”.

“We thank our funding partners for their support and look forward to showcasing the restored Chicory Kiln to the wider community,” he said.