Levi’s big dreams

Mandy Borg, Daydream Photography

Tara Murray

One of the North Western Titans young guns is set to get to play on the national stage.

Levi Emery and his side, the Mets Little League immediate little league team, qualified for nationals earlier this month,

A GoFundMe page to help get Levi to the event which is next month.

Levi said it feels great that all the hard work that he and his team have put in the last few months.

“We had three tryout days where we were put through a number of skill tests and then a game simulation to see who was the best to be selected for the team,therefore after this the final team was selected,” Levi said.

He said the whole team would continue to work together to do their best to progress to the next stage.

Levi took up the sport after making a primary school T-Ball team and he really enjoyed the game.

It was love at first pitch.

“I decided to quit cricket and give baseball a go in 2023,” he said. “This is my second year playing baseball for the North Western Titans.

“I made the Mets development team in my first season. And this year I made the intermediate State team and we have progressed to the National Championships.

“My goal for baseball is to be the very best I can be at baseball and put my heart and soul into baseball because I love this game so much and to go pro in the future.”

To donate: tinyurl.com/4bfk4v8y

Tara Murray