Land bought for new school

Melton MP Steve McGhie and Minister for Education Natalie Hutchins visited the land recently purchased for Brookfield's new primary school. (Provided)

Liam McNally

Minister for Education Natalie Hutchins today visited Brookfield to announce 3.5 hectares of land has been acquired to develop the new Brookfield Primary School (interim name).

The school is currently in its design phase and is expected to open its doors in 2024 and will cater for 575 students.

The Victorian Budget 2022/23 included more than $527 million for the construction of 14 new schools across the state including the development of Brookfield Primary School.

Land at 91 Grand Scenic Drive in Brookfield was purchased for the school using a share of $276.4 million allocated in the Victorian Budget 2021/22 to purchase land for these schools in urban growth areas.

Details on enrolment boundaries and how to enrol your child will be published in the year before the school opens.

At the last state election the government promised to open 100 new schools by 2026, Labor believes they are currently ahead of schedule with 75 new schools opening between 2019 and 2024.

Minister for Education Natalie Hutchins said that this is “exciting” news for Melbourne’s west.

“We’re continuing to build and upgrade schools across the state so our students have the best spaces to learn, our classrooms have the best teachers and every child is given every chance to succeed,” she said.

Melton MP Steve McGhie said the new local school will help local families.

“The new Brookfield Primary School will provide a huge benefit to families and students in the area – with modern classrooms and learning spaces that are close to home,” he said.