Kororoit women celebrated

Kororoit MP Luba Grigorovitch with IWD Morning Tea attendees. (Provided)

Five women who live, work, volunteer or study in the Kororoit Electorate were given awards at a special International Women’s Day (IWD) morning tea event hosted by MP Luba Grigorovitch.

Prior to the event on March 4, community members were asked to nominate a woman who deserved to be celebrated for her service to the community.

Attendees first enjoyed a morning tea while having important conversations about how to better the lives of women and girls in the community. They were inspired by guest speakers Tanja Kovac and Dr Maree Overall, who have been champions for gender equity, and are co-founders of Gender Lens, an organisation which helps private, public and community sectors to embrace gender equity.

Women came from all over Kororoit, including Melton mayor Kathy Majdlik and Brimbank mayor Ranka Rasic.

Wendy Moussi, Claire Mouser, Sana Zia, Noor Abba, Nikki Sharma, Rachel Bonavia, Melanie Apap, Mariam Koslay, Reena Rana, Niti Bhargva and Cecilia Gomez-Benitez were all recognised with awards as women who have made significant service to the community and worked towards gender equity.

Kororoit MP Luba Grigorovitch said she was pleased to host the event and recognise community members.

“It was an honour to host a number of incredible women at my Kororoit Community International Women’s Day Morning Tea,” she said.

“These women work tirelessly for the betterment of our community.

“I am constantly inspired by the formidable women of Kororoit, who give their time selflessly and continue to pave a better future for all in our community.”