Kinglake residents seven-year wait for Bear

Bear and his owner’s brother Raymond. Photo: Supplied

Two-year-old Bear went missing in 2009, and the Wittmers had given up hope of finding him.

After searching for the blue Staffordshire bull terrier for months, Rob Wittmer and his family thought they would never see their dog again.

But seven years on, Bear was found in Ballan late last month – 130 kilometres away from his Kinglake home.

Moorabool council’s community safety officer Shannon Walsh said when Bear was dropped off at the council’s pound she made inquiries about his microchip, which listed him as ‘missing’.

Initial attempts to contact Mr Wittmer failed so the department turned to Facebook to find Bear’s owner.

“We found out Bear’s owner, Rob, is currently away in Canada, but he, and the entire family, were over the moon that their pet dog had been found … seven years later,” Ms Walsh said.

“We made arrangements for Rob’s brother, Raymond, to come to Darley to collect Bear.

“He and Bear were both excited to see each other, and we’re thrilled to have reunited Bear and his family.”

Raymond Wittmer said Bear was “happy as Larry catching a ball at the park”.

“And when Rob heard Bear was found, he was really happy, he was ecstatic,” Mr Wittmer said.

“He was calling me and messaging me from Canada, wanting a photo and a video of him, so I sent him some of those.”

Mr Wittmer said Bear seems to be in good health.

“My reaction? A bit of disbelief, really. I mean … we didn’t expect to see him again, let alone after seven years.”