Jumping rope for 40 years

Kids have been raising money for the Heart Foundation since the 1980s.

More Australian schools, including in Melton and Moorabool, are being urged to sign-up for Jump Rope for Heart in a bid to improve the physical fitness of school aged kids.

The call from the Heart Foundation comes as the organisation supports a new study which aims to understand whether staying fit in childhood reduces the risk of heart disease later in life.

Jump Rope for Heart this month celebrates its 40th anniversary. The program is a cultural icon for Australian school kids dating back to its beginnings in 1983. It has long been a way for schools to encourage kids to take up physical activity while learning about fundraising for heart health.

Despite the program’s success, data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows that kids spend more time sitting or lying down with digital devices than they do playing outside.

Consequently, one in four Australian kids is either overweight or obese, and only a quarter of all kids aged 5 to 14 undertake the required 60 minutes of physical activity each day.

The Heart Foundation is supporting Dr Brooklyn Fraser from the University of Tasmania’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research to measure the long-term benefits to heart health of greater child fitness, and investigate ways for parents and teachers to identify at-risk children.

Dr Fraser’s research may lead to helping schools implement fitness programs with the view of helping students avoid heart disease later in life.

“There is growing evidence that child fitness levels are in decline, and that this may contribute to poor heart health in the future,” Dr Fraser said.

“This is what has motivated me to investigate this further and identify children who may be at risk and to find new ways to increase their physical fitness levels.

“My advice in the meantime is that schools shouldn’t wait: programs like Jump Rope for Heart will help to increase fitness levels among students, thereby potentially reducing their risk of heart disease into adulthood.”

Since 1983, Jump Rope for Heart has:

Been skipped in by more than 10 million Aussie kids

Seen 90 percent of Australian schools take part at some point in time

Helped to raise more than $111 million for the Heart Foundation to support vital heart research.

The Heart Foundation’s head of physical activity, Elizabeth Calleja, said Jump Rope for Heart was a great way for schools to play an important role in keeping kids active.

“Participating schools receive all the information and support they need to help students and teachers to take part in Jump Rope for Heart,” Ms Calleja said.

“This includes everything from education resources about heart health through to guidance on how to raise money.“

For more information about Jump Rope for Heart visit www.jumprope.org.au