Joan’s birthday milestone

Joan Barker celebrated her 100th birthday in style. (Supplied)

Hillside local Joan Barker celebrated her 100th birthday last week, enjoying a cake to cap the major milestone.

Born in England on July 8, 1924, Joan spent the duration of World War II in London while her husband was a prisoner of war in Germany for four years.

After the birth of their first child, difficult financial conditions helped spur the move to Australia, Joan said.

“We couldn’t find anywhere to live; every house was full up and we were already living in a house with three other families,” she said.

After reading about the ‘10 pound pom’ program in the newspaper, the Barkers ended up in the Melbourne suburb of Brooklyn.

Joan said they settled in quickly.

“We managed to find a house that we could buy – it was quite easy in those days to get a house but it took us 14 years to pay off.”

The death of her husband 25 years ago led her to Hillside, where she still lives independently.

“My husband died 25 years ago and I was on my own so my daughter, who lives here, said I had better sell the house and come live near her.”

Joan ’s longevity should come as no surprise. It’s in her genes – her mother lived to 91 and an aunt made it to 105.

Joan said “sitting around and doing nothing” was how not to live a long and fulfilled life.

“I know a lot of people who do that and I tell them to get up and do something,” she said.

“Washing, cooking, gardening, cleaning – I do everything I can. You’ve got to keep busy.”

Eddie Russell