Jayde’s journey to Canada

Jayde Young runs to fulfil her athletic dream. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 456327_01

Melton resident Jayde Young is running fast towards her dream as she represents Australia in a cross country competition in Canada with Sports Travel Australia.

Jayde said she started late in her track and field stint, but to represent the country in her field is one of her biggest goals in life.

“I feel a little pressured, but I think it will be more once I get there and starting at the race,” she said.

“At the moment I am still a bit shocked about it.”

She runs the 400 metres track and field which started to compete in when she was 13 years old.

“There’s been a lot of support from my parents,” Jayde said.

“They’re the ones taking me to training and competitions.

“My coaches have also given me a training plan.

“My team mates were all very happy for me, and they’ve supported me by pushing me more during training.”

Jayde’s parents, Andrew Young and Donna Ross, said they are proud of her.

Jayde needs $10,000 to fund the trip, plus money for lunch and dinners for 20 nights.

Jayde said the opportunity to compete overseas is going to open up many opportunities for her, especially in terms of receiving scholarship grants for university.

“If people could donate, every little bit helps,” she said.

Jayde is set to compete in Canada at the end of June .

Donations: tinyurl.com/3f22zypk