Hub pops up

A new pop-up service hub will open at Melton South on January 22 to give residents easy access to community support and health services.

Local service providers have collaborated on the pop-up hub, which will provide information and advice on issues including child and family support, mental health, Aboriginal services, alcohol and drug treatment, family violence, housing, and disability.

The hub is an initiative of Brimbank Melton Connect, the Melton South Community Centre and Linking Melton South, and has been facilitated by Djerriwarrh Health Services and Melton council. It will be open every Friday.

Brimbank Melton Connect is itself a collaboration of 27 different agencies, with MacKillop Family Services leading the group.

Community programs manager Mary D’Elia said the pop-up services hub was driven by feedback from the community to improve access to support services for those living in Melton South.

“We have listened to the community and created a model which will streamline access to vital support services,” she said.

The hub will operate every Friday between 9.30am and noon at Melton South Community Centre, 41 Exford Road, Melton South. On the last Friday of every month, a barbecue will be held to bring together residents with community service workers.