How do you want to use the parkland around Melton Weir?

Melton weir. (Damjan Janevski) 267032_01.

Have your say on a vision for the future of Melton Weir in a new community survey.

Melton council are set to develop a new strategy to guide the creation and improvement of parklands along the Melton Weir and Reservoir, and the community is invited to have their say.

Council is considering ways to link hectares of open space, connect more people to the land surrounding the Melton Weir and Reservoir, and make the most of the natural setting.

Ideas may include planning for potential paths, access points, seating, or picnic areas.

Some of the key objectives of developing a future strategy include identifying opportunities for enjoying the parklands, determining any access to the weir, and investigating opportunities for recreational access.

Melton residents are invited to fill in the survey to help guide what could improve the area and help more people enjoy the natural setting surrounding the water.

The survey is open until May 14.

Melton Mayor Lara Carli said council wants to make the Melton Weir Parklands a “destination” and make it a “space for people of

all ages to have fun and connect with nature”.

“Tell us your vision for the parkland area surrounding the Melton Weir and Reservoir. What will help make it special for you and your family? She said.”
