Hospital tops budget wish list

By Ewen McRae

A hospital business case and more funding to deal with rapid growth are at the top of Melton council’s wish list ahead of the upcoming state budget.

The 2019-20 state budget will be handed down on May 27, and Melton mayor Bob Turner said the council expected the government to honour its pre-election commitment for a business case on the long awaited Melton Hospital.

“This budget is set to make a great difference to the City of Melton if pre-election commitments are delivered,” Cr Turner said. “It is our clear expectation that the state government will deliver on this promise and bring a new hospital closer to reality.

“Our residents deserve improved health outcomes and this funding is the first step towards more accessible, quality health care in the City of Melton.”

Council is also calling on the government to purchase land in Cobblebank for the new hospital, and for construction to begin by July 2022.

The council said the rapid population growth across the municipality needed to be recognised in the budget, with more funding needed for services and infrastructure.

“The City of Melton is among the fastest growing municipalities in Australia and without further investment our residents risk being left behind with limited access to essential health services, long commutes to work and school, and high transport costs,” Cr Turner said.

“Melton City Council has advocated the state government to fund the city’s top priorities so that health, schools, roads and public transport access align with growth projections and improve liveability for residents.

“We desperately need a continued Growing Suburbs Fund provision that will ensure …Melton’s rapidly growing communities don’t miss out on vital services and infrastructure.”

Better funding for education, as well as the ongoing campaign to upgrade the Western Freeway, were also high on council’s budget wish list.

Four new primary schools were promised by the Labor Party prior to its win in last year’s state election.