Home to be auctioned cheap for charity

Very Special Kids Chief Executive Michael Wasley, Henley General Manager Benjamin Griffiths, and Construction Supervisor John Bas out the front of the home to be auctioned for charity. (Damjan Janevski) 305165_04

Liam McNally

Henley will be donating all sale money from a house being auctioned in Bonnie Brook to the Very Special Kids charity.

A two-storey, four-bedroom house in Henley’s estate, The Dales will be sold at a low-reserve auction at 12.30 pm on November 19 with 100 per cent of the proceeds going to Very Special Kids.

Very special kids is a charity that provides support for families with children diagnosed with life limiting conditions.

The organisation built Australia’s first children’s hospice, which is currently undergoing significant redevelopment.

The money from Henley’s auction go toward rebuilding the hospice in Malvern.

Very Special Kids chief executive Michael Wasley said that they rely on community support, so are very grateful to Henley for getting on board.

“The world is a beautiful place, but it’s not always fair. Particularly for our families who are supporting a child with a life-limiting condition. We help the families focus on maximising the quality of that life, even if it is a short life, we support the family during that journey and beyond,” he said.

“As Australia’s first children’s hospice, the specialised services we provide are critical to Victorian families. The money from the Henley home will make sure that we build a world class children’s hospice.”

The house and land package on offer is for Henley’s most popular model of house, the Ashbury 30, and is being auctioned with a reserve price below replacement value.

The replacement value for the house is around $850,000.

Henley’s completed homes general manager Ben Griffiths said they are excited for the auction and looking forward to a great result.

“If you are looking to buy a new house in the western corridor you’d be mad not to turn up because you stand a good chance of getting yourself a house below replacement value,” he said.

“One person could turn up and get themselves a bargain or a hundred people could all be bidding and get a terrific result for Very Special Kids.

“Anyone who’s had the opportunity to visit and understand what they do is always personally touched by it.”

Henley have been supporting children related charities for 35 years, and sold a house for the Royal Children’s hospital earlier in the year.


