Health department urges STI testing


Michaela Meade

The health department is urging Victorians to get tested – but not for COVID-19 this time.

This sexually transmissible infections (STIs) Week – which runs until Saturday, October 23 – the health department is stressing the importance of getting tested.

As the state nears the relaxation of lockdown restrictions, there will be greater opportunities for Victorians of all ages to socialise, which means an increase in intimacy for many, the department said.

Health department public health executive director Maria Bubnic said anyone can get or have an STI, if they are having sex and even if they practice safer sex some of the time.

“We want all Victorians to look after their sexual health and talk to their GP, nurse or health worker about getting a sexual health test,” Ms Bubnic said.

“If you are having sex you should be getting a regular sexual health test every 12 months, or earlier if you are planning a baby.

“Sexual health testing decreased last year during lockdowns, and again this year.

“This means people may have an undiagnosed STI and potentially be at risk of passing an STI onto a partner.

“That is why it is so important that when restrictions ease, and freedoms return, that people talk to their GP about a sexual health test.”

Ms Bubnic said it was STIs were more common than people realised.

“It is estimated that around one in every six people will get an STI in their life – and most won’t even know it,” she said.

“There are many types of STIs, most are curable and all are treatable.

“If left untreated, STIs can cause long term effects on the body, including infertility.

“STIs can include HIV, gonorrhoea, syphilis and chlamydia and blood-borne viruses such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

“It’s highly important people re-engage with their sexual health care as restrictions ease.”

Confidential sexual health testing is available from local doctors, community health services, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations, and family planning and specialist sexual health clinics.
