Have your say on security cameras in Moorabool

Moorabool council is seeking community feedback on the development of a CCTV Policy.

Moorabool council is seeking community feedback on the development of a CCTV Policy for the use of closed-circuit camera systems across the shire.

A draft policy has been developed and the community has a chance to have their say before a final policy is taken back to council for adoption.

Moorabool mayor Rod Ward said he was pleased the draft policy was endorsed by council to go out for consultation as there was no current policy that covered the installation and use of CCTV cameras.

“This policy will support decision-making about where CCTV cameras are installed across the shire, at locations such as public spaces, council facilities and on roadsides,” he said.

“The draft policy also details how members of the public can request access to footage and how council will manage the data.”

Anyone wishing to provide feedback can take an online survey or make a submission until September 7.

Details: moorabool.engagementhub.com.au/msc-draft-cctv-policy