Have your say on Banchory Green Reserve revitalisation

Banchory Green Reserve. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 255593_01

Hillside residents are invited to have their say about the revitalisation of Banchory Green Reserve.

Melton council is encouraging residents to provide their feedback on the concept plan for the reserve, located on Banchory Avenue.

The plan for the reserve includes features such as a variety of accessible play experiences for a broader range of ages, improved turf kick-about spaces, increased shaded areas, as well as seating and improved pedestrian path networks to the site’s amenities.

In a statement on the Melton council website, officers said the feedback from residents would provide much-needed insight into the needs and wants of the community for the reserve.

“Your feedback will help us revise our concept plan and the insights gathered will provide further understanding of what is the most important to the community and why, as well as identify any other opportunities,” the statement said.

“The design will be refined based on community feedback (subject to project scope and budget) and the updated park design will be endorsed by council.”

A birds-eye view image of the concept plan is available on the web page with the feedback form.

The concept image outlines where proposed footpaths, a garden bed, proposed seating, and additional proposed trees would be located.

Construction on the project is anticipated to begin in mid-2022.

Details: bit.ly/BUZqeZ

Michaela Meade