Grants for sporting clubs open


Community sport clubs, such as those in Melton and Moorabool, can now apply for grants for new uniforms and equipment, training, and club development.

Community sport minister Ros Spence announced applications are open for the latest round of the Sporting Club Grants Program.

“Sporting clubs are the social fabric of communities and that’s why we’re backing them with funding for uniforms and equipment,” Ms Spence said.

“We know the positive impact community sporting clubs have and this is about helping and investing in them so more people can reap the rewards of getting active.”

Clubs can apply for grants of up to $1,000 for new uniforms and equipment, up to $5,000 for training coaches, officials and volunteers, and up to $5,000 to better club operations.

This round of the program is complemented by the Community Sport Sector COVID-19 Survival Package that provided $50 million to more than 7,500 clubs, leagues, state associations and other organisations across the sector.

The state government said the program is part of its work to make community sport accessible and inclusive, stimulate local economies and create opportunities for greater participation.

The grants are part of the Government’s $1.2 billion investment in community sport and recreation infrastructure since 2014.
