Funding for new COVID treatments


The state government is backing Victorian research into new coronavirus treatment, including a nasal spray medication that envelops the virus and reduces household transmission.

Acting Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy Mary-Anne Thomas announced $13.3 million for seven research projects examining a range of coronavirus treatment options.

University of Melbourne and Monash University have received $4.2 million to establish a six-month clinical trial, developed in collaboration with Oxford University, of a heparin-based nasal spray to be used in households where a person has coronavirus.

The second most widely used drug in the world and primarily prescribed as a blood-thinner to treat or prevent blood clots, heparin forms the base of the nasal spray treatment which is already being hailed as a success for its easy administration, stability at room temperature and global availability.

The IntraNasal HEpaRin Trial (INHERIT) will be led by the Northern Hospital, using the COVID (Oximetry) Monitoring and Early Treatment (COMET) platform that has enabled researchers to access and treat patients within 24 hours of their diagnosis, speeding up treatment and providing remote patient monitoring through portable oximeter devices that measure oxygen levels in blood.

Other research projects receiving funding include $2 million for a Walter and Eliza Hall Institute trial of antiviral cocktails for immunocompromised patients unable to receive coronavirus vaccines, and $1.8 million for a Burnet Institute study on a suite of biological medications that could neutralise and kill virus-infected cells.

“Coronavirus is not going away any time soon and our amazing researchers are doing work that stands to make a real difference. These projects will benefit not just Victorians but people around the world,” Ms Thomas said.