Free guitar lessons for aspiring young rockers

Julia, 11, Andrew Borg, and Thomas, 11, get ready to play. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 422357_06

Guitarist and vocalist Andrew Borg has been a musician for 45 years.

In that time, the Gordon local has played countless gigs as a solo act and with bands, and even released an album in 2022.

Now, he is offering free music lessons for young people aged 11-17 in Darley.

If you are going in for a lesson with Borg, don’t expect to churn out three-chord wonders.

“I strongly feel the need to teach because unfortunately kids are only learning the basic chords.”

His background in blues informs Borg’s teachings and means he places a high importance on the learning of scales and rhythm.

This is essential to having ‘feel’ – an emotive sound unique to each musician.

The sessions take place every Tuesday at Studio 22, inside the Darley Civic and Community Hub, and run from 4-5.30pm.

The musical interests of young people in Moorabool varies, but the guitar is a versatile instrument, Borg said.

“I’ve got a couple of kids who want to learn country style because of Taylor Swift, but I’ve also got two young blokes that are into [Jimi] Hendrix.”

Borg said knowing the history is an important element of understanding, and ultimately mastering, the guitar.

“A lot of those people have been influenced by someone in the past… so I teach them all of that [background] so they understand what’s going on,” he said.


Eddie Russell