Forum on Melton Community Safety

Inspector Lisa Prentice-Evans and Leading Senior Constable Jo Mutsaerts. (Damjan Janevski) 358829_04

Melton residents will have a chance to discuss the community issues that matter to them with local police at a Victoria Police Melton Community Safety Forum.

Victoria Police CommSafe Forums welcome local services and community members to talk

with police about what issues are important in the community.

The Melton CommSafe forum will take place on October 18, the event will include discussions on crime trends and crime prevention initiatives, young people, family violence, road policing and drug related crime.

There will be a panel discussion with Victoria Police deputy commissioner Neil Paterson, divisional commander acting superintendent Shane Brundell, and Melton local area commander Inspector Lisa Prentice-Evans who will be joined by other local police members who are subject matter experts in their fields.

Inspector Prentice-Evans said CommSafe forums provide police with the opportunity to talk with local community stakeholders and residents about local and state-wide community issues, as well as established and emerging initiatives.

“The forum is a key part of Neighbourhood Policing where police are able to engage with the community, hear their concerns and provide feedback around what work we are undertaking,” she said.

“Stakeholders and residents will be able to ask questions of both local police and also police command.”

The Melton CommSafe forum will take place on October 18 at the Melton Community Hall from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

Registration is required for the event and can be done via email.

Refreshments will be offered. If there are any dietary requirements, please include them in your registration.
