Fire safety a hot topic this winter


Fire safety is a hot topic this winter, with data revealing firefighters respond to around 100 fires caused by heaters each year.

With the arrival of the winter season, Victoria’s fire services are warning the community not to be complacent when heating the home as it is the peak time for heater fires.

In the last five years, CFA responded to more than 640 house fires caused by a heater.

These types of fires mainly start either due to a mechanical fault, or because the heater is located too close to flammable materials in a lounge room or sleeping area.

Home heating systems vary and can include fixed electrical or gas-powered appliances, portable electrical, gas or kerosene heaters, as well as open fires and wood heaters.

CFA chief officer Jason Heffernan said as Victorians begin to spend more time indoors, they should ensure gas and electrical heaters are serviced every two years to safeguard loved ones from fire.

“Last year CFA responded to 87 house fires caused by heaters and in 2022 there were 119 fires. This decline is encouraging to see but ideally, we want to see that figure zero,” he said.

“A common mistake we’re finding is households are keeping their drying clothes too close to heaters and fireplaces, so it’s best to ensure they are at least one metre away from all heating.

“Regardless of when you turn a heater on, just be mindful to turn them off before you leave the house or go to sleep.”