Fijians raise funds for family back home

Vonivate Driu. Picture: Kristian Scott

Melton’s Fijian community has raised $3000 to help friends and families affected by cyclone Winston.

The category five cyclone ravaged the islands on February 20, wiping out nearly all homes on Koro island.

The Melton-based Fijian Community Association of Victoria held a fundraising event this month attended by more than a hundred residents as well as a former Fiji minister.

Association president Vonivate Driu said the devastation caused by the cyclone was far reaching.

“Just about all Fijians have friends or relatives who have been seriously affected,” he said.

“One of my best friends is from Malake island … and he lost everything – just about all homes were destroyed or badly damaged.

“It will be a very long road ahead for the people of Fiji – it will take many years for communities to recover.”

Australian Red Cross chief executive Judy Slatyer thanked the thousands of Australians who contributed to the Fiji appeal.

“Many donors have told us moving stories, confirming the strong connection between Australians and Fijians,” she said.

“These are very tough times for the people of Fiji, with tens of thousands still living in evacuation centres or needing help with shelter.

“Many have lost their homes and everything they own.”

Ms Slatyer said health remains a priority, with thousands of people lacking sufficient clean water and access to sanitation facilities.

“We’re getting aid supplies to communities across Fiji, including tarpaulins, tool kits, water containers and technical support, to help people rebuild with safer, more disaster-proof houses.”