Fighting cancer one tea at a time

Adele Van Esch. Picture: Shawn Smits

Adele Van Esch is hoping to change the world one oolong tea at a time.

The Melton woman will do her part for the Cancer Council when she hosts an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event this Sunday.

It will be Ms Van Esch’s second fundraising event for the Cancer Council, and she hopes to raise at least $1000.

“Cancer is one of those things I have a personal connection with. I’ve lost both grandparents to cancer, and close friends have experienced cancer or know someone who has,” she said. “We hear so many stories … everybody knows someone who’s been through it.”

Ms Van Esch, who runs Love TEAse, will have a delicious array of specially blended teas for tasting. She’s hoping the community will support the cause.

“It’s about creating awareness for not only the Biggest Morning Tea and Cancer Council, but also getting people to talk about the support services available.”

The Biggest Morning Tea will run from 2-5pm on Sunday, June 5, at the Western BACE, 222 Ferris Road, Melton South.

Entry is by gold coin, and there will be plenty of chances for donations. Details: