Melton dog groomer’s a cut above

Melanie Newman with her dog Dash. Picture: Joe Mastroianni

Primping pooches is a passion that Melanie Newman has pursued for more than 16 years – and she’s a master at it.

The award-winning Melton dog groomer will represent Australia next year at the World Dog Grooming Championships in Belgium.

She started out as a dog bather at a friend’s salon and has travelled to the US to attend seminars hosted by the world’s leading dog groomers.

Among her accolades, Ms Newman placed second at last year’s world championships in Milan with her bichon frise (member of the Toy Dog group), Dash.

“It’s very competitive with more than 19 countries represented,” Ms Newman added.

She said one of the strangest tasks she’d undertaken was grooming a poodle to look like a dinosaur.

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