Diggers Rest caravan plan dumped

By Sumeyya Ilanbey

Plans for a camping and caravan park in Diggers Rest have been shut down following serious concerns about the site becoming a “stealthy” residential development and “irreversible” impacts on nearby properties.

Dean Slaviero lodged a planning application earlier this year with Melton council to build a camping and caravan park on an 18-hectare site at 1376 Calder Highway, Diggers Rest.

Mr Slaviero proposed building 85 camping sites, an office, 30 visitor carparking spaces and recreational facilities. He also wanted to remove indigenous wallaby grass scattered throughout the site and tree violet shrubs.

But Melton councillors last week refused to issue him a planning permit in line with the officer recommendation and 140 objections the council received to the application.

Diggers Rest residents had raised a number of concerns about the application, including fears the site would attract permanent residents, devalue nearby properties and impact on the rebuilding of the heritage-listed Diggers Rest Hotel on an adjoining site.

In their report, council officers said a camping and caravan park was not in line with the objectives of the green wedge zone in which the site is located.

“A camping and caravan park should be located further from an urban growth boundary to maintain the distinct character of Diggers Rest township, the integrity of the urban growth boundary and the landscape values of the green wedge urban interface,” the council report stated.

Melbourne Airport, one of the objectors to the application, raised concerns about the location being affected by increased aircraft noise. It also said it was “not satisfied” with the acoustic work undertaken by the applicant.

The council report stated: “Of major concern to objectors is the potential for the subject site being used for residential purposes, raising the potential for residential development by stealth.

“Given that there is no ability to limit the length of time that camping and caravan park sites can be occupied, there is always the potential for them to become sites for low-cost, long-term accommodation.”

Mr Slaviero told Star Weekly he was talking with his lawyers and “considering all options”.

“I’ve put a years’ worth of effort in this,” Mr Slaviero said. “I’m trying to do something positive for the Diggers Rest community to attract tourism … the Diggers Rest hotel will offer luxury accommodation and I was hoping to offer mid-budget accommodation.”