Dedicated volunteer awarded

Minister for Ageing Colin Brooks, Le Chitts and Victorian Governor Linda Dessau. (Supplied)

When Les Chitts moved to Melbourne almost 43 years ago, there were 15,000 people in the community and petrol was 30.9 cents a litre.

He said times have changed since then, but he still feels lucky to be a part of the community.

After raising his family in Melton, Mr Chitts started spending a large portion of his spare time volunteering to make sure that everyone in the community feels as lucky as he does, and he’s just had his efforts recognised at the The Victorian Senior of the Year Awards.

Mr Chitts received a COTA (Council on the Ageing) Victoria Senior Achiever Award at a ceremony at Government House on Wednesday, October 26 for his years of volunteer work for a plethora of organisations.

Mr Chitts said he was reluctant to apply for the award but was convinced by two council workers.

“I just enjoy doing it but I like to do it out of the limelight,” he said.

Charities closest to Mr Chitts’ heart over the years include Dads to Dad, in which he drew upon his own experience raising a son with autism to support other Melton father’s of children with disabilities, The Gap on Graham, which gives young people a place to eat and spend time on Friday nights instead of being on the streets, and Melton Men’s Group, which he founded and now has 76 members.

Mr Chitts said he encourages anyone who has a bit of spare time to get out and volunteer in their community.

“There’s a lot of people out there who are in desperate need of help at the moment so please, if you’ve got the time, get out there and help somebody.” he said.

Liam McNally