Vickie Cassar dedicated to schooling

Vickie Cassar has been recognised for 40 years service in Victorian Education. Picture Shawn Smits.

By Sumeyya Ilanbey

Vickie Cassar is looking forward to retirement after 42 years in education.

Ms Cassar says the idea of being able to frolic in her backyard at her leisure is extremely appealing.

“I live on 2.5 acres in Kurunjang, so it’s nice getting out into the garden,” Ms Cassar said. “I think, ‘Oh yeah, I can live with this’.”

For racking up more than 40 years with the education department, Ms Cassar has received a Recognition of Service to Victorian Education award.

Ms Cassar’s education career started as a business manager at school support centres. After the centres shut down in 1996, she started working at Sunbury College, where she has been ever since. She is currently on long-service leave.

“I became very involved with the school, and I used to do other activities, like school plays, debutante balls, and I went to Japan with the school – that was one of the highlights,” Ms Cassar said.

“As a business manager, I’m running the school – I’m the one who knows where everything is, where the money is … and the principal comes to me for guidance. I’m responsible for all the money that comes into the school and making sure we don’t overspend.”

Ms Cassar has also always lent a helping hand to students and their parents, assisting with organising school books and uniforms.

“I like to believe I make an influence in their lives,” she said.