Bacchus Marsh CWA needs a home

Bacchus Marsh CWA member Sylvia Palmer,

Bacchus Marsh Country Women’s Association needs its own home base.

The branch meets monthly at the RSL Hall on Main Street, but there’s no space for storage.

Members have been waiting for two years as Moorabool council juggles vacant space at the Darley Hub.

CWA branch president Yvonne Spargo asked the council to prioritise the CWA’s relocation at Moorabool council’s meeting on April 6.

Moorabool mayor Allan Comrie says the council will continue to work with the group to find a permanent home.

Association spokeswoman Karin Wilson says CWA tables, chairs and other items are cluttering up the lounges, garages and sheds of its members around Moorabool.

“We’ve had a lot of furniture donated to us to help us set up properly,” she says. “It isn’t furniture that we would just want to sell or get rid of, because it’s very good quality.

“We have our belongings stored in people’s houses, garages and living rooms. All we are asking is for a space to work in.”

Ms Wilson says the home where most of the group’s belongings is stored has now been sold.

“What many people don’t know is that the CWA fundraised for many years to purchase land to build a home base on but, when they found out that the town was in need of a hospital, they sold that lot of land and donated the money toward the hospital.

“We’ve done a lot for this community and we would love a place to be able to continue our work,” Ms Wilson said.

“We were told there would be a 12-month wait on a space at Darley, but nothing has happened”

Fiskville CFA brigade currently occupies the rooms at the Darley Hub after its training facility was closed last year.