Crime drops 3.3 per cent in Melton

Latest crime statistics show a drop in crime in Melton and across Victoria.

Liam McNally

Crime in the Melton area is down 3.3 per cent in twelve months according to the latest data released by the Crime Statistics Agency Victoria.

The data showed that offences have decreased in Melton with 12,135 in the year to September 2022, from 12,548 recorded offences in the year to 2021.

There were over 100 less recorded thefts, sexual offences and deception offences in the twelve months, although robbery increased by almost 30 offences, and abductions, although an uncommon offence, nearly doubled from 23 to 42 offences.

Most of the offences occurred within the population centres of the municipality, with more offences occurring in the top five suburbs than the bottom 25 combined.

Melton recorded the 42nd highest rate of offences in Victoria, and 13th highest in greater Melbourne.

Across Victoria, there were 474,446 criminal offences recorded for the year ending September 2022, representing a decrease of 21,373 offences or 4.3 per cent from the same twelve-month period in 2021.

This represents the lowest number of criminal offences committed in the year ending September since 2014.

Consistent with previous reporting quarters this year, Victoria also had the lowest number of victims of crime for this twelve-month period since the introduction of Victoria Police’s Law Enforcement Assistance Program (LEAP) in 1993.

Melton Local Area Commander, Inspector Lisa Prentice-Evans said It’s overall pleasing to see a reduction in crime in Melton, however police are “continuing to do everything we can to keep crime as low as possible as we anticipate some gradual increases as we move further away from the pandemic.”

“Home burglaries and car theft are some of our key priorities, as we know this is likely to gradually increase as a result of the change in people’s lifestyles and working patterns post pandemic,” she said

“We have teams of local uniform police and detectives working to prevent this type of offending and to apprehend offenders – while this strong approach will continue, we also urge the community to ensure they are securing their properties and vehicles at all times, particularly ahead of the summer period when many people will be holidaying or out enjoying the festive season.”