Councillor scores four for local sport

Councillor Steve Abboushi moved four motions to improve sporting amenity in Melton, including safer cricket nets.

Councillor Steve Abboushi went in to bat for sporting amenity in Melton during a council meeting on July 31, moving four motions aimed at improving community reserves.

The targets of the motions were safer cricket nets, more electronic scoreboards and clearer plans for reserve upgrades.

Cr Abboushi moved for council to update and develop the existing masterplan for Town Centre Reserve, Caroline Springs, to set the strategic direction for the future of the site.

The last masterplan for the site was created in 2007. Council officers will update the plan for 2023-24 at cost of $20,000.

Next, Cr Abboushi moved for council to undertake a gap analysis to find out what reserves in the municipality are in need of electronic scoreboards and how much it would cost to provide them.

“We progressively get requests from different community groups for scoreboards, I think this is probably a more effective use of officer time that we just do a complete report for all reserves that may require electronic scoreboards and then we prioritise them based on need,” he said.

A separate motion was aimed at mitigating risks around the cricket nets at Aintree Recreation Reserve, including closing in the structure to protect pedestrians when nets are in use and also stabilising the fencing around the complex.

Council officers said a preliminary risk assessment has recently been done, which did identify risk while the nets are in use and the required actions will be taken.

Finally, Cr Abboushi sought an update on the redevelopment of the Taylors Hill sports ground project including confirmation the tenant clubs at the site will be engaged through the process.

Cr Justine Farrugia said the upgrades were “much needed” at the facility.

Council officers said the design component of the project has been funded in the 2023-24 budget and the construction will be considered by council as part of the 2024-25 budget.