Council to upgrade Bulmans Road

Roadworks are planned for Bulmans Road for the second half of 2023.

Works are about to begin on Bulmans Road to deliver major upgrades planned to bring the road to an urban standard.

About 1.4km of Bulmans Road, between Westlake Drive and Centenary Avenue, will be sealed, widened and realigned with new kerbs, underground drainage, median islands, on-street parking, and a shared pedestrian and cycle path.

Service relocations will be undertaken by Powercor from mid-March until around August 2023, with council’s road upgrade works are set to begin in the second half of 2023 and are expected to take about six months.

Bulmans Road connects Harkness and Melton West with Melton, Woodgrove Shopping Centre and the Western Freeway as well as being home to two major local schools.

While some mature trees will be removed to facilitate these upgrades, Melton council will be planting hundreds of mature trees and thousands more saplings along the road.

Council is working with nearby schools, childcare centres and community centres to reduce disruptions to pick up and drop off during upgrade works.

Melton Mayor Lara Carli said the upgrades will help reduce congestion and “improve everyone’s safety on the road, whether they’re driving, walking, riding or catching the bus”.

“We are doing what we can to minimise disruptions but we know that there will be delays for some road users and we thank them for their patience,” she said.

You can stay up to date with the Bulmans Road upgrade project online.
