Construction begins on Trentham Community Hub


By Olivia Condous

Construction has begun on the new Trentham Community Hub, which when completed will facilitate more local events and bring people together.

The state government has announced the beginning of construction on the hub, funded by a $3.5 million investment from the Regional Infrastructure Fund.

The Trentham Mechanics Institute will be extended and renovated to create the new hub, which will include a library, function room, meeting rooms, a visitor information centre and a council customer service centre.

The new hub is designed to provide the local community and visitors with access to important facilities in one place.

The initial construction works will involve asbestos removal, demolition and site preparation, with up to 26 jobs will be created during the hub’s construction with another five ongoing jobs to be supported once the project is completed late next year.

The state government is also providing more than $2 million in funding through the Community Sport Infrastructure

Stimulus Program for the Trentham Sportsground Reserve Pavilion Redevelopment.

Victorian Regional Development minister Mary-Anne Thomas said it was a “really exciting time” for Trentham.

“I’m confident that the new hub is going to breathe new life into the Mechanics Institute providing an asset the

whole community can enjoy for many years to come, while supporting local jobs.”