Concerns over reports AusNet entering land without consent


Michaela Meade

Moorabool council has expressed concerns about reports AusNet has been entering residential land without landowner consent.

AusNet, who is responsible for the Western Victoria Transmission Network Project (WVTNP), has begun entering Moorabool properties that have not provided voluntary consent, according to a council statement.

The WVTNP’s proposed 190-kilometre transmission line would stretch from Bulgana near Stawell through Moorabool and Melton to Sydenham, with power lines potentially placed on or very near people’s properties.

According to the council statement, access to properties is required to undertake field surveys within the proposed corridor of the WVTNP.

“Although entry by electricity corporations may be gained under Section 93 of the Electricity Industry Act 2000, AusNet first sought voluntary consent from affected landholders to access private land and conduct the field surveys,” the statement said.

“It is disappointing that the community and landowner engagement for the WVTNP has not yet developed sufficient trust between AusNet and affected landholders for them to provide voluntary consent.

“There is significant work required for the project to gain the social licence required to be a success, including a detailed and genuine investigation into underground options.”

It comes as a Melton business owner expressed concerns to Star Weekly over the project’s impacts on his community’s mental health.

Read more about his concerns:

An underground report from council is available at: