Commuter’s thoughts on expanding Rockbank station car park

Hayden Ellis. (Liam McNally)

Liam McNally

Melton council wants state funding to expand the carpark at Rockbank station. Here’s what some local commuters using the station thought…

Hayden Ellis

[The station] is good, but as you can see there’s cars everywhere. I come pretty early so there are a few spots around but if you’re not in by 6.30 it fills up pretty quickly. The area is growing, there’s just so many people living in all these new areas and new estates so more people are coming to the station. You’re going to need more car spots.

Jyoti Aryan

I use the station regularly. It’s good but parking wise, if you come after 8 you won’t get a spot, so I have to park around the corner of the park and then I have to walk here. If there would be more parking then it would be beneficial to the people who normally go to the office and do the 9-5 hours.

Yogan Jeree

I come [drive] here almost every day. Sometimes I have to park outside the carpark which is pretty bad because it’s kind of a hazard out there, but what can we do? I even got honked not long ago. I think extending the carpark would be good, I think it would benefit a lot of people because Rockbank is growing.

Antonia Zammit

I’m happy with the station, but we need toilets. There’s not really [enough parking], I’d like to see more. We need toilets. There’s none it’s disgusting.