Community shows heart

Simone Nithsdale with community members and Woodlea representatives. (Provided)

When Aintree resident Simone Nithsdale’s son was just 12 days old, medical staff at the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) told her to “prepare to say goodbye”.

However five months later Brodie is still fighting, diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy, a condition preventing his heart from pumping blood around his body effectively.

His heart is being supported by a machine at RCH and he is waiting to be put on the waitlist for a heart transplant.

The Nithdale family has set up a GoFundMe, which Ms Nithsdale said has taken off in a way she couldn’t have “dreamed of”.

“Although Brodie’s treatment and hospital stay is covered by Medicare, there are so many costs we didn’t think about and unfortunately bills don’t stop just because your child is in hospital,” she said.

“The funds we have raised, allows me to spend less time at work and more time as a family.

“He is such a strong and happy little boy and we are so thankful for every second we get to spend with him.”

To support the Nithdale’s journey Aintree developer Woodlea hosted a Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser on Saturday, April 15.

More than 250 community members gathered at Littlewood Pop Kitchen to support Simone and her family by purchasing baked goods, barista-made coffee, and other beverages.

Nearly $2,000 was raised by the community, which was matched by Woodlea to ultimately generate $4,000.

Ms Nithsdale said the event was an “incredible success thanks to all the hard work from the team at Woodlea”.

“The show of support from our community was overwhelming in the best way possible… the amount of people who took time out of their weekend to come down, give me a hug and wish Brodie well, was just beautiful,” she said.

Liam McNally