Community group aims to improve transport connectivity

Melton Stars INC Founder Nasim Uddin (supplied: Nasim Uddin).

Eddie Russell

Residents may be familiar with the charity group Melton Stars INC for their tireless efforts in advocating for the local community.

Well, good news: there is no sign of them slowing down.

Their petition from 2022, which was reported by Star Weekly, has resulted in the building of a new bus stop, footpath, and children’s crossing between Rees Road and Wilson Road.

Now, they are about to release another petition, which will draw attention to the bus service in the Weir Views area and how it can be improved.

Nasim Uddin, founder and operator of Melton Stars INC, says he wants to see connectivity improved by readjusting the route of the 457 bus.

“It will be a great help for those commuters, most of whom walk to a bus stop which is nearly a kilometre and a half away from their area,” he said.

Empathy is a driving factor of the work, Mr Uddin said.

“I live in that area and I put myself in the shoes [of the locals],” he said.

“Even though I drive now, when I came to this country 20 years ago I didn’t have a car and had to struggle to catch a public service.”

Mr Uddin says rather than turn left onto Hume Avenue, the bus should adjust the route and go through Rees Road and then turn right on Toolern Vale Road.

“A big portion of the community lives there,” he said.

Mr Uddin said life in Melton would be easier if residents united in contribution.

“If everyone of us can think about the community and chip in whatever we can then we can make it a better place.”