Community Calendar

This week's photographer's choice picture is of Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club member Stanton Halik. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 465239_01

Melton Men’s Group

Melton Men’s Group meet every Thursday from 5-8pm at Arnolds Creek Children’s and Community Centre, 19 Claret Ash Boulevarde, Harkness. Focusing on senior men’s mental and physical wellbeing. Join the group for a cuppa and a chat, listen to guest speakers and participate in activities including carpet bowls, pool, table tennis, cards and chess.

■ Trevor, 0404 494 649,

Lights of Wisdom

The Bahá’ís of Moorabool invites you to Lights of Wisdom, a monthly event providing an opportunity to relax in a tranquil environment and reflect on inspiring themes. First Friday of every month, 7.30-8.30pm, at Lerderderg Library, Bacchus Marsh. This is a free community event open to all.

First Aid course

Melton South Community Centre is offering engaging and informative First Aid courses on Saturday, March 29 for anyone seeking to obtain or renew a nationally-recognised certificate. Available one-day courses include HLTAID009, HLTAID011 and HLTAID012.

■ 9747 8576

Melton Friends Group

An over-50’s singles friendship group for social catch-ups for dinners, movies, chats, walks and shows. Nothing but fun friendships,

■ Vera, 0406 493 734

Women Working Together

A program connecting women aged 50 above in need of assistance, with mentors and mentees. Open to women across the western suburbs, including Melton.

■ 9655 2131, or

Over-50s Sunday games

Life Activities Club Victoria is running a games and cards afternoon every Sunday from 2-4pm at Kurunjang Community Hub, 35 Mowbray Crescent, Kurunjang. A newly-created friendly group which enjoys sharing a laugh and making new friends. Everyone is welcome because “life is better together”.

■ Deb, 9614 3017,

Darley Neighbourhood House

The Darley Neighbourhood House and Learning Centre is at 33-35 Jonathan Drive, Darley. It offers free and low-cost activities for all. There is a monthly repair cafe, a community pantry, a fortnightly chatty cafe and venue hire is available.

■, or 53674390

National seniors meeting

On the first Wednesday of every month at 1.30pm, the metro west branch of national seniors meets at the Deer Park Club, with meals available to purchase. The group also holds lunches on different Fridays each month, as well as activities such as theatre visits, bus trips and more.

■ 0425 713 004, or

Cancer Support Group

MelMarsh Prostate Cancer Support Group is for prostate cancer patients and their carers and meets on the first Thursday of the month, from 12.30-2pm, at Melton South Community Centre. Attendees are encouraged as members share their journeys through what could be a very traumatic time of their lives. Explanations of medical terminology used in the treatment of this cancer are given in this group.

■ Grenville, 0412 741 865

Chatty Cafe Melton

Are you feeling lonely, isolated or just wanting to make some new friends? If so, Chatty Cafe is for you. The group meets on Friday mornings at 10am for delicious free coffee from Latin foods and wines at 10 Wallace Square, Melton.

Melton Trauma Teddies

Melton Trauma Teddies are seeking volunteers to assist with knitting, stuffing, or stitching teddy-bears that go to children in their time of need.

■ Jean 0412 931 498

Boomerang Bags Bacchus Marsh

Boomerang Bags Bacchus Marsh make reusable shopping bags from rescued fabric. They need people to cut, sew, iron and market our bags. The group meets on the first Sunday each month at Darley Neighbourhood House, 2-5pm.