Book chats after dark
Do you wish you had a group of reader friends to chat with about that book you just finished? Join Book Chats after dark at Lerderderg Library, 215 Main St, Bacchus Marsh for monthly catch-ups to chat about what you’ve been reading, share book recommendations and enjoy a few snacks.
This is an 18+ event, happening every first Thursday of the month.
■ Stevie Fisher, 53667100
5X7 Art Prize
Artists in Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, Melton and Wyndham can take part at the annual 5X7 Art Prize. Participants can register to enter by attending in person at Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre, 5 Sargood Street, Altona on Wednesday, February 5, from 7pm to 9pm, at the art room, or on Saturday, February 8, from 10am until noon, at the foyer area.
■ hbas@y7mail.com, or www.hobsonsbayartssociety.org.au
Bacchus Marsh CWA
An art sale with complimentary Devonshire tea will be held on Wednesday, February 19, from 1 to 3pm, for $5 an entry. Bacchus Marsh CWA is based at the Darley Community & Civic Hub, 182 Halletts Way (enter from Wittick Street). RSVP by Monday, February 17
■ Karin, karin.wilsonexchange@gmail.com, or 0417 344 968.
Movies in the Marsh
Movies in the Marsh is an opportunity to socially connect over something many love, movies. Movies in the Marsh is held at Lerderderg Library on the last Friday of each month. Next screening is on Friday, January 31. Booking is essential.
■ Screening information: Moorabool Libraries, 53667100
Ballan Arts Space
The Ballan Artists Collective has moved into its new home, and is ready to showcase it to the world. Members will hold a Pop Culture exhibit, the first in the new location at 123 Inglis St, Ballan on Friday February 7 until Sunday, March 2.
■ ballanartistscollective@gmail.com, ballanartistscollective.com/
Women Working Together
A program connecting women aged 50 above in need of assistance, with mentors and mentees. Open to women across the western suburbs, including Melton.
■ 9655 2131, or EmploymentSupport@cotavic.org.au
Over-50s Sunday games
Life Activities Club Victoria is running a games and cards afternoon every Sunday from 2-4pm at Kurunjang Community Hub, 35 Mowbray Crescent, Kurunjang. A newly-created friendly group which enjoys sharing a laugh and making new friends. Everyone is welcome because “life is better together“.
■ Deb, 9614 3017, office@life.org.au
Darley Neighbourhood House
The Darley Neighbourhood House and Learning Centre is at 33-35 Jonathan Drive, Darley. It offers free and low-cost activities for all. There is a monthly repair cafe, a community pantry, a fortnightly chatty cafe and venue hire is available.
■ www.bit.ly/DNHnow, or 53674390
National seniors meeting
On the first Wednesday of every month at 1.30pm, the metro west branch of national seniors meets at The Club in Caroline Springs, with meals available to purchase. The branch also holds lunches on different Fridays each month, as well as activities such as theatre visits, bus trips and more.
■ 0425 713 004, or lesley1.collins@outlook.com
Zonta club
Zonta is an international organisation bringing women together to support other women. The Zonta Club of Melton meets on the first Monday of each month at Melton Country Club, Reserve Road, Melton. Meetings include guest speakers.
■ Janet, 0421 080 923, info@zontaclubofmelton.org.au
Melton Over 50s Social Group
Join a friendly group of people aged over 50 who enjoy each other’s company while attending events such as dinners, shows, dancing, cinemas and more. If you live in the Melton area and would like to meet new friends, in a welcoming group environment, this is for you.
■ Marlene, 0498 329 290
Rose carers of Maddingley Park
The group meets every Wednesday from 10am-noon at the Commemorative Rose Garden, Maddingley Park on the corner of Taverner Street and Grant Streets, Bacchus Marsh. They maintain the two rose gardens at the park. Volunteers are welcome and no experience is necessary to join .
■ Elaine, 0400 052 857 or Judy, 0428 463 538
Bacchus Marsh Ladies Probus Club
Meets on the first Thursday of every month from 10am to noon at the Avenue Bowling Club on 254 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh
■ Krystyna, bacchusmarshladiesprobus@gmail.com
Community band
The Greater Western Community Band meets Thursdays from 7.30 – 9.30pm. Rehearsal venue is the Bridge Road Community Centre, Strathtulloh (Melton South). The band is available for events. Brass, woodwind and percussion players are always welcome.
■ Sally Hamond, 0401474582
Melton Valley Ladies Probus
Melton Valley Ladies Probus Club meets on the second Friday each month at 10am at Melton Country Club. New members welcome.
■ Ann, 0425705150
Fishing club
Didyabringyarodalong Angling Club of Melton and Bacchus Marsh is a fishing club that welcomes and encourages people of all ages, genders and fishing abilities to partake in enjoying the outdoors in a relaxing and friendly environment. The club holds monthly fishing competitions at various locations, fresh and saltwater. New members are most welcome. Upcoming events will be listed on this page.
■ Andrew, 0407 303 438, or Wayne, 0414 785 366
Bacchus Marsh Senior Citizens
The Bacchus Marsh Senior Citizens recommences its activities this month, starting with the indoor bowls on Sunday, January 19, followed by bingo and cards on Tuesday, February 4. Bacchus Marsh Senior Citizens looks forward to meeting up with new members at the Andy Arnold Centre 10 Bennett Street, Bacchus Marsh.
Melton Concert Band
Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at the Bridge Road Community Centre, Bridge Road, Melton South. Musicians of any age who able to read Music are welcome to come along with their instrument (oboe, bassoon, flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, tuba, percussion). Please contact the number provided if you are intending to visit.
■ 0401 474 582
Australian Gold Panning Championships
The Australian Gold Panning Championships is on Saturday, March 1, at the Blackwood Cricket Ground Recreation Reserve Road, Blackwood.
Melton Trauma Teddies
Melton Trauma Teddies are seeking volunteers to assist with knitting, stuffing, or stitching teddy-bears that go to children in their time of need.
■ Jean 0412 931 498
Boomerang Bags Bacchus Marsh
Boomerang Bags Bacchus Marsh make reusable shopping bags from rescued fabric. They need people to cut, sew, iron and market our bags. The group meets on the first Sunday each month at Darley Neighbourhood House, 2-5pm.
Bacchus Marsh and District Garden Club
The club meets on the second Tuesday of each month except January, from 7.30pm, at The Laurels, 229 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh. Guest speakers and supper provided. Yearly membership $15. New members welcome.
■ Michelle, 0421 106 268