Want your event listed? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Weekly Community Calendar, Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042, or email to westeditorial@starweekly.com.au by 9am Wednesday the week prior to publication.
Community visitors
The Office of the Public Advocate is seeking volunteers in the Melton area to become Community Visitors, upholding the human rights of people with a cognitive disability who are living in supported care. Community Visitors monitor and report on the adequacy of services being provided to residents, talk to residents to identify issues of concern and write a brief report at the conclusion of the visit. Training and reimbursement of expenses are provided.
■ opavolunteers@justice.vic.gov.au or 0418 931 247
Singing group
Join the Melton South Community Singers at the Melton South Community Centre on the first and third Tuesday of each month.
■ Sue, 0400 082 413
Melton South Knit & Natter
All welcome to join this social crafting group, running at the Melton South Community Centre each Monday from 10am-noon. Bring along any knitting or crochet projects and work on them while sharing tips, learning skills and catching up over a cuppa.
■ 9747 8576
Zonta club meets
The Zonta Club of Melton meets on the first Monday of each month at Melton Country Club, Reserve Road, Melton.
■ Suzanne, 0417 512 420
Mahjong group
Interested in learning to play Mahjong? U3A Melton has a group who play on Tuesdays at 10am.
■ u3amelton.com or 0419 563 016
First aid courses
Melton South Community Centre offers a number of first aid courses for people wanting to learn or renew these valuable skills. One-day classes are held on Saturdays throughout the year.
■ 9747 8576
Melton Probus Club
The Melton Probus Club meets on the first Tuesday of each month at the Melton Dart Club, 63A Reserve Road, from 9.45am. New members and visitors are most welcome.
■ 9746 0271
Plant sale
The first New Gisborne Scouts Annual Tomato Sale is happening on October 30 and 31. All plants will be sold at $5 and are to be collected from the Church of Christ 31 Saunders Rod, New Gisborne between 10am and 1pm.
■ 0400 140 630
Compost research webinar
Join Macedon Ranges council and Dr Jim Radford from La Trobe University for this talk on compost use in agricultural settings. Dr Radford will share his local research insights and promote farming practices that have positive outcomes for agriculture. The event will be held on Tuesday, November 9 from 7.30pm to 8.30pm.
■ 0455 210 436
Hannah Gadsby
Hannah Gadsby, world class, award winning funny person has a brand new live show Body of Work, showing at the Kyneton Town Hall. She will be performing on Saturday, November 13, at 5pm and 8pm.
■ 1300 888 802
John Safran
Join writer John Safran and host Tony Wilson for this special digital event where John and Tony will take a look into the tobacco and vaping industry. The event will be run online in partnership with the Wheeler Centre on Wednesday, October 13, from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. Tickets $10.
Players wanted
Keilor Park Cricket Club is on the lookout for senior men and women’s players, along with junior players for the upcoming season. Interested players can contact the club via the club’s Facebook page.
Deer Park probus
The Deer Park Combined Probus Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at The Deer Park Club, 780 Ballarat Road, from 10am. New members and visitors are welcome.
■ Don, 0409 191 580
Sunshine United Cricket Club
Selwyn Park-based Sunshine United Cricket Club is looking for junior boys and girls to play in its under-11s, under-13s Friday night and under-15s Saturday morning teams. Juniors learn and enjoy the fundamentals of cricket, taught by experienced coaches.
■ Terry Nichols, 0418 392 180
Goal setting for seniors
EdConnect Australia, with support from Wyndham council, will run a free lunch and goal setting strategies workshop for seniors, which will cover using open-ended questions to elicit goals from young people or students and other topics, on Wednesday, October 20 from 10am – 1.30pm at The Grange Community Centre, 260-280 Hogans Road, Hoppers Crossing.
■ eventbrite.com.au/e/lunch-and-learn-about-goal-setting-strategies-tickets-164272773287
AL-ANON meets
AL-ANON provides support for families and loved ones living with alcoholics and problem drinkers. The group meets Mondays at St Thomas Anglican Church foyer, 117 Synnot Street, Werribee, from 7.30pm, and on Tuesdays at the St Mary’s Tennis Club rooms, 204 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough.
■ 0412 432 760
Fibro/CFS Support
Expressions of interest to start a Fibromyalgia and CFS Support Group in Manor Lakes and surrounding areas. Connect with real people and share information, experiences, problems and solutions.
■ wyndham.fibrogroup@gmail.com
Love Our Street 3029
Come join the volunteer community litter clean-up crew in Hoppers Crossing, which meets on the third Sunday of the month, 10.30am-noon.
■ Karen, 3029@loveourstreet.com.au
Quilt In
People of all ages and cultures are welcome to join the Wyndham Patchworkers Inc, which will host its 25th Anniversary Quilt In on November 6 from 10am-3.30pm at the St James the Apostle Catholic Church, 336 Derrimut Road, Hoppers Crossing. The event will feature a guest speaker, a raffle, door prizes, morning and afternoon tea, a show-and-tell and local traders. Entry: $15. BYO hand stitching, mug and lunch. Pre-booking mandatory.
Dads’ playgroup
Tarneit Community Learning Centre hosts a dads’ playgroup every week on Thursdays. The morning starts at 9.30am and promises to be a chance for male caregivers to connect with each other and form new friendships.
■ Shaun, 0455 521 154
Diabetes support group
The Westgate diabetes support group meets on the first Tuesday of every month at the Altona Bowling Club at 10am.
■ Elaine, 0415 030 996
Wicking Garden Workshop
Learn how to make a wicking garden bed system in a raised container. Come along to Sunbury Community Garden on Saturday, October 30, from 10am to 1pm, to learn how to turn a raised fruit crate into a water saving wicking system. Bring your gardening gloves, enthusiasm and desire to learn. This event is free but a light lunch and tea or coffee will be provided for registered participants.
■ bit.ly/3tlRZsH
Sewing group
The Sunbury Neighborhood House Social Sewing Group meets on the first Saturday of each month to chat, share ideas and sew. Beginners through experienced welcome. Sunbury Neighbourhood House, 531 Elizabeth Drive, Sunbury, 12.30-3.30pm.
Garden club
The Sunbury Garden Club meets on the first Tuesday of every month. There is a guest speaker at each meeting, which starts at 7.30pm at the Sunbury Football Club.
■ Cheryl, 9744 1663
Senior citizens club
Senior citizens are welcome to visit the Sunbury Senior Citizens’ Club on Mondays and Fridays, from 10am-3pm at 8 O’Shannassy Street. A variety of activities offered – carpet bowls, cards, snooker, darts, board games or just a cup of coffee and a chat. Lunch subsidised. If you’re over 55 years of age and would like to meet new people, come along.
■ Frank, 0423 392 884
Additional needs support
MyTime at Tweddle Newport is a peer support group for parents and carers of children with additional needs. The group meets each Friday at 10am during term three in the community room at Newport Gardens Early Years Centre, 51 Maddox Road, Newport.
Free computer workshops
Williamstown Community and Education Centre is running free computer workshops on setting up a MyGov account (November 7). Workshops are at Joan Kirner House, 14 Thompson Street, Williamstown.
■ Renee, 9397 6168
Hobsons Bay band
Do you play trumpet, flute or lower brass instruments? The Hobsons Bay City Band is seeking musicians to join the community band. Rehearsals are held every Monday evening from 7.30pm at Newport Lakes Primary School, Elizabeth Street, Newport.
■ Roger Lewis, hbcityband@gmail.com
Altona North combined probus
The Altona North combined probus club meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at Altona Sports Club. Includes a speaker, organised trips and outings, and a friendly atmosphere.
■ Lesley, 9369 1785
Friendship Group
Altona Day View Club (Voice Interest Education of Women) meets at 11am on the third Wednesday of the month at Altona RSL.
■ Janet, 9394 6522 or 0412 010 176
Guided walk
Enjoy a leisurely 90 minute walk with guide, John, starting at the Williamstown Visitor Information Centre in Nelson Place, each Tuesday starting at 9.20am. Each week covers a different route in the local area.
■ John, 0418 377 336
Laverton Community Choir
All welcome for a friendly singing get-together, suitable for all ages and abilities on Thursday nights from 7pm during school term at the Laverton P-12 College, 91 Bladin Street, Laverton.
■ Ada, 0419 116 013
Rotary club
Rotary Club of Point Gellibrand meets at Customs House Hotel, 161 Nelson Place, Williamstown, on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 6pm for a 6.30pm dinner meeting. Visitors welcome.
■ Pam, 0418 347 691or rotarypointgellibrand@gmail.com
Mouth organ band
The Yarraville Mouth Organ Band meets Friday evenings at 203 Williamstown Road, Yarraville. Great music, friendly atmosphere. New members, players or beginners welcome.
■ Heather, 9399 2190