Community bus keeps Mt Atkinson rolling

Amelia Elliott, Development Team at Stockland, Mark Monahan, Executive Officer at Edmund Rice Community Centre Mt. Atkinson , and Theo Zan, Community Bus Driver.

Liam McNally

The Mt Atkinson free community bus service is looking at expanding their service due to popular demand.

The bus is a collaboration between the Stockland Property development company, Caroline Springs RSL and Edmund Rice Services Mt. Atkinson.

The service serves as a way to keep residents of the newly developed area connected until public transport becomes available.

Executive Officer at Edmund Rice Services Mt. Atkinson, Mark Monahan said that the service was vital for some during COVID, but now demand is increasing because people are returning to work in the city and the community is expanding.

Approximately 100 members of the community are using the service each week.

The service runs three trips early in the morning and three in the afternoon, taking commuters to and from Rockbank station.

He said that they are hoping to have more services, and more stops available by January next year.

“Our main goal was to create a thriving and socially connected community. Many homes in our communities have two working adults who often share a car, so this service assists with managing the day-to-day logistics for our locals,” he said.

Clair Granada is a Mt Atkinson resident who has been using the service for over a year, she said the bus is important for her to get home every day because she doesn’t drive.

“I’m really grateful to Stockland for the community bus service, it helps me a lot,” she said.