Club wins big at tennis awards

Loretta Kelly and Ben White with the award for 'Most Outstanding Inclusion Initiative' (supplied).

Eddie Russell

Bacchus Marsh Lawn Tennis Club has won Most Outstanding Inclusion Initiative at the 2024 Victorian Community Awards.

The club’s event, A Gay Day on the Green, which took place in February this year, received the award for providing ‘a safe and welcoming tennis event for all residents of Bacchus Marsh, especially those of the LGBTQIA+ community’.

President of Bacchus Marsh Lawn Tennis Club Ben White said the result was not anticipated but it was welcomed.

“It was overwhelming and unexpected, but it’s… fantastic. Everyone’s really happy about it and proud of their club,” he said.

It was following the lifting of COVID restrictions that Mr White had a lightbulb moment.

“I had in the back of my head that I would like to start a tournament and I thought there was a need for more inclusive tournaments,” he said.

“I’ve been to quite a few inclusive tournaments for gay and lesbian players and I thought, why not [Bacchus Marsh]? So I asked the committee and they backed me all the way.”

Mr White says inclusive events, such as the LGBTIQ+ Championships in Castlemaine, Daylesford, and Ballarat, are becoming more popular.

“There are a couple in country Victoria, but… it would be great if there were more,” he said.

“I was talking to one of the other winners on Thursday night… and they wanted to talk about how to do it. A lot of clubs are interested because everyone wants to be inclusive.”