Cleaning up Victoria’s roads

(Rahul Pandit via Pexels)

The state government has announced it will spend $5.5 million to rid Victorian roads of graffiti, grass and weeds.

With this funding, crews will complete graffiti removal along major metropolitan roads, such as the Western Ring Road and the Westgate Freeway.

The government said funding is also aimed at assisting more inspections and cleaning along other busy arterial roads, freeway gantries and other high-profile locations.

“Graffiti that is deemed to be offensive or dangerous to the public will also be removed more quickly under the new roadside cleaning regime,” the government said.

$2.5 million from the package is set for regional Victoria, allocated to a second round of roadside grass removal.

Roads and Road Safety Minister Ben Carroll said the funding was on top of the $780 million the government has invested in maintaining roads assets.

“As well as improving safety, capacity and connectivity across Victoria’s roads, we’re also investing in how our road network looks,” Mr Carroll said.

“Between now and mid-2023, everyone travelling on Victoria’s roads can expect to see our crews out in force, removing unsightly graffiti, grass and weeds across the network.”

The government said the investment will allow crews to carry out “hundreds of additional kilometres of roadside mowing, weed spraying and vegetation management after widespread above-average rainfall”.

“Graffiti removal in regional areas will target roadsides in town centres, ensuring our regional hubs are looking their best.”