Check your partner this Valentine’s Day


The Australian Melanoma Research Foundation (AMRF) is encouraging partners to check each other this Valentine’s Day for spots or unusual freckles that could be melanoma.

AMRF chief executive, Marisa Chilcott, said Australia has the highest rate of melanoma in the world.

“Melanoma can be deadly, but the good news is that more than 90% of melanoma can be successfully treated if detected early. So, finding a spot and getting it checked out by a professional early can literally save a life,” Ms Chilcott.

“Many melanomas are found on the back, neck, scalp and behind your ears.

“That’s why we think Valentine’s Day is the perfect time for partners to check each other. To help, we have produced a check sheet that outlines what to look for and where to look.”

The fact sheet outlines the ABCDE melanoma guidelines.

Asymmetry – one half of the mark does not match the other

Borders – the edges are irregular and ragged

Colour – not the same all over or has changed over time

Diameter – the spot is larger than 6mm or is increasing in size

Evolving – change in shape, size, colour, elevation or itching, bleeding or crusty.
