Changeover begins magic year for Rotary Caroline Springs

Vijay Susarla, mayor Kathy Majdlik, Cr Steve Abboushi, and Ronald Moss at the Presidential Changeover (supplied).

Ronald Moss will once again take the reins of Rotary Caroline Springs after being appointed president for a second time.

The changeover from 2023-24 president Vijay Susarla to Mr Moss took place on Saturday, July 6 at the Caroline Springs Scout Hall in Burnside Heights.

Mr Moss said he was still pinching himself after becoming president of the rotary club for the second time.

It almost seems unreal that I am again chosen … I accept the role willingly and know that I have an amazing group of people backing me,” he said.

“It’s an important changeover of role to ensure the continuity of what we do.”

Mr Moss vowed to build on the work of his predecessors.

“Over the last year we have achieved a lot but there is still much to be done as we move into our magical year of Rotary,” he said.

The magic of Rotary is the presidential theme for Rotary clubs around the world.

Mr Moss said the work of each individual to help others was where the real magic lay.

“We serve to change lives by imagining how we can create hope in the world through the magic that is each and every serving Rotarian who volunteers their time to give back to the community.”

“We are stronger together. Together we will make a difference. Together we are the magic of Rotary.”

Author and self-discovery and leadership coach Iris Du, who is a Caroline Springs resident, spoke at the event.

Four new members were also inducted as fellows of the Rotary club.

Eddie Russell