Cancer council urges bowel cancer screening


Cancer Council and the Australian government are encouraging all Australians aged 50 to 74, including those in Melton and Moorabool, to ‘Get2it’ and be a part of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP) when they receive their free test kit in the mail.

A joint statement from the Department of Health and Cancer Council said new data from YouGov showing people aged 50 and over spend 35 minutes a day in the bathroom, which the council suggests is “more than enough” time for people to do the test and potentially save their lives.

“Screening rates for Australia’s second biggest cancer killer currently sit at just 43.5 per cent,” the statement said.

“Interestingly, one-fifth (21 per cent) of Australians say that the time they spend in the bathroom is about maintaining good health, meaning that whilst they have the best intentions, they are simply not getting to bowel screening.

“Test kits are sent to 50-74 year old Australians every two years.”

Cancer Council chief executive Professor Tanya Buchanan said in the 18 days each Australian spends in the bathroom every two years, “thousands” of samples could be taken.

“Countless lives can be saved if eligible Australians, especially those in their 50s swapped out time spent scrolling on their phones while on the loo, with bowel screening time,” Professor Buchanan said.

Health and Aged Care Minister Mark Butler said if 60 per cent of eligible Australians screened and kept it that way, “we can save 84,000 lives by 2040″.

“Screen time is a feature of modern life and we want screening time to come just as naturally, so why not use your next bathroom stop to complete the test, or add a reminder to your calendar,” Mr Butler.

According to the joint statement, research shows that placing the screening test kit in the loo immediately, as well as setting reminders on mobile phones, could increase rates.

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The NBCSP delivers kits to the homes of eligible Australians aged 50 to 74 every two years.

“The test is free, quick, and hygienic and can be completed at home and returned in the post,” the joint statement said.

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