Campfire safety warning


A record number of burns from accidents around campfires has authorities urging campers, including those from Melton and Moorabool, to exercise greater caution around fires.

Alfred burns surgeon Dane Holden said the number of patients admitted to the Victorian Adult Burns service because of campfire mishaps hit a record high 46 in 2021 – a worrying trend that continues to be a major concern.

“Despite the lockdowns we had last year, we still had a record number of people come through for these really nasty, yet entirely preventable injuries,” Dr Holden said.

“These types of burns also tend to be much deeper than the average burn because they’re from direct impact with a flame, meaning surgical intervention in the form of painful skin grafts is often required.

“Typically, they result in longer hospital stays and impact the upper body, face and neck.”

In the six-year period from January 2016 to December 2021 there were 215 burns injuries – all of which followed a similar pattern.

“Of those cases 118 involved accelerant use – people pouring flammables over a fire. Significantly, 71 cases had petrol involvement and 13 Aerosol cans,” Dr Holden Said.

“Further to that 107 involved alcohol and/drugs – which is a recipe for disaster around fire.”

Forest Fire Management (FFMVic) chief fire officer Chris Hardman said it didn’t take much for fires to spark and sparks to travel.

“Keep yourselves and others safe by ensuring your campfire is at least 3m away from your tent and stores, he said.

“At this time of year wood is likely to be wet, so if you are using briquettes or gas barbecues make sure there is nothing that can catch fire within 1.5m or use a designated fireplace.

“Importantly never leave a campfire unattended.

“If your campfire is alight, an adult must always be present.”

CFA acting chief officer Garry Cook said accelerants should never be used to light fires.

“The horrible injuries seen in the Alfred Burns Unit are evidence of what can happen when things go wrong around a campfire,” he said.

“Petrol or other accelerants should never be used to light a fire, while aerosol cans and flammable or potentially explosive material should also be kept well away from the fire.

“And always ensure children are kept at a safe distance from the fire and they remain under supervision.

“Campfires should be extinguished with water not with dirt, as embers can still be hot underneath dirt which can lead to kids and adults unknowingly stepping on hot coals.”