Cambodia bid a class act

At Coburns Primary School in Melton South teacher Belinda Marshall is raising money with students Aleeya and Hunter [ both aged 10 in yr 5 ] to help build a school in Cambodia.

A Melton teacher who left her heart in Cambodia hopes to make her dream of building a school there a reality.

Coburns Primary School teacher Belinda Marshall said that on a recent trip to Cambodia she discovered that Cheasmorn village, outside of Siem Reap, needed a school.

“I was volunteering over there in January and came across a man called Sok Chamroeun, who wanted to set up a school,” Ms Marshall said.

“He was trying to educate about 350 kids out of two rundown rooms.

“His dream was to raise money to be able to build a school for them because only about 100 kids could attend at a time because of the shortage of space.”

Ms Marshall is making it her mission to raise $50,000 to bring the village school dream to fruition.

“A little goes a long way over there,”
Ms Marshall said.

“I immediately fell in love with Cambodia … everyone should have the right to health and education.”

The project will be driven by donations, with an online crowdfunding campaign having already raised nearly $2000.
