Red Cross calling for emergency volunteers

Moorabool Red Cross volunteers Linda Fletcher and Marion Crook. (Supplied)

In the face of adversity, Red Cross emergency service volunteers help people respond to and recover from disasters.

And there’s an urgent need for more crisis volunteers.

Red Cross will be running information sessions this month, looking for skilled and motivated people to join their teams.

Spokeswoman Deb Shaddock said people from Moorabool are all too familiar with disasters.

“Emergency services volunteering is very community focused,” Ms Shaddock said. “It’s a great way to get to know people, [and] also build the resilience of your community for when disaster strikes.”

Volunteers speak about preparing for disasters – registering displaced evacuees, supporting people during crises, and visiting affected communities after a disaster to check how people are coping.

There will be an information session on Wednesday, June 22, 7-8pm at Moorabool council chambers, Ballan, and on Thursday, June 23, 2-3pm at Bacchus Marsh library. Details: 0402 974 833 or 0418 547 310.